Friday, May 31, 2013

Update: After meeting with 4 or 5 Dr’s today here is what we know; it does NOT appear to be life threatening… Happy news! More good news is that Brayden has PERFECT eyes one of the Dr.’s told him and the other Dr we were being passed off to and she said that was a HUGE compliment because she doesn’t say perfect very often. Brayd was pretty excited about that! The not so happy news is that he has a... pretty good size tumor that started in the very back of his eye socket and has been there for a while they think, because it is starting to erode the bone? (Something like that.) It looks like it is growing forward, but for now they believe it is not cancerous, only because it has been there for a while. We will meet with a surgeon on the 10th after they have had a chance to pow wow about all of the test to see what is next. We are praying we don’t get a call from them before the 10th because that means something worse has shown up. So Prayers for no early phone calls! They said if nothing new shows up we are looking at a biopsy to make sure it is cancer free and to find out exactly what it is. Best case is they will try to shrink it with chemo or radiation (yes they use that for things other than cancer) that will be the least risky, but if needs be we will have it removed. They said that comes with a little more risk, because of where it is at and how far back it is. For now we are just thankful to kind of have a plan. Thank you so very much for all of the prayers and well wishes. Please keep them coming. Brayd has been amazing through all of this. I am lucky to be the mom of such good kids.feeling blessed with Travis J. Daley.

Last day of school 2012/2013

This year the last day of school was even more bitter sweet then it usually is.
The kids had to leave early because we had an appointment at Primary Children's for Brayd's tumor :(
I have a feeling that our whole summer is going to be a lot like this... as long as we can get this taken care of I am good with taking all summer.

How in the world did my baby grow up so fast?
I can't believe he is already finished with his first year of High School!
He had a great year.
Even though it started out a little rocky, he had an amazing year,
 made some great friends
and LOVED every min of being on the swim team!

Well, she is officially in Jr High...
sigh, sniff, eat lots of chocolate, but what ever you do DON'T CRY!!!!!
Tyler was lucky enough to have the same 6th grade teacher as Brayd
 and Tyler loved her just as much as he did :)
This Little Miss is too smart for her own good
 She made it from K-6th grade with the highest score you can get!
( all E's A's and 4's)
Lover her and her sassy pants!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


With Brayden’s permission we are going to update everyone on what has been going on. A few weeks ago we noticed that Brayd’s left eye appeared to be larger; sticking out, you know just looked different than his right eye. Of course he said it was fine and wanted us to drop it; however he has the wrong mom for that. We decided to take him in just to get it looked at. Well, it turns out to be “mass” behind his eye (they have called it a few different things over the last week or so but they sound worse, so I am going to just call it a mass) To make a long story short, because most of you already know it, after spending time running tests at Primary Children’s; they have worked us into a Neuro, Eye something or another and possibly a few other Dr.’s at Primary’s tomorrow. Super fast I know! They told us to pack a lunch and plan on staying all day. While I am most thankful that they are getting us in so fast, I must admit it is making us kind of nervous! We will do our very best keeping everyone up to date on what is going on.  We have been a mess and haven’t been eating or sleeping for over a week and have been keeping it on the down low (so sorry if we haven’t been able to return calls or text), but I want to thank  everyone for all of your prayers and well wishes. We love you all and will update you as soon as we can. Prayers are appreciated!
I wish I had pictures to share, but they wouldn't let us :( 
But I can promise you he was a rock star through all of the test they had to do!

Saturday, May 25, 2013


 I have no excuse for taking such a long break from blogging... Not a good one anyway.
Tyler LOVES for me to blog about all of the amazing things she has been doing and Brayd hates to be mentioned it embarrasses him.
 I in NO way want to embarrass anyone,  so I decided to take a little break. Well... 
Break over!
This is my way of keeping a record. I tried to do it the "old fashion way" you know, paper pencil, but it didn't work out for me and there are no cute pictures to go along with what I was writing about.
So blogging it is!
 I am going to do a quick update over then next few weeks and hope I get most of what has been going on.
Hold on, because it is going to be one CrAzY ride!