Wednesday, August 12, 2009


YUCK!!! I am not a big fan of change, especially when it comes to major things in my life. I am a creature of habit. I like my routine, and schedules in which I am accustom to and comfortable with. I am a list maker, goal setter, and a planner. (Yes I make a mental list and set goals for the next day before I go to sleep every night, why do you think it takes me so long to fall asleep?) I enjoy the feeling of getting things done and accomplishing my goals it helps me to stay on track and remember what is important to me. I am telling you this for 2 reasons. The first is to remind myself that change can be GOOD, it builds character and helps you grow. 2nd is the blessing you receive as you build this character and growth. I have survived some Major changes in my life and have managed to do OK. In May of ‘91 I endured the biggest change in my life, in which I was able to build MAJOR character which in return I received MAJOR blessings. It took me 7 years to realize just how blessed I was, but I am eternally grateful for the lessons I learned... Family is EVERYTHING!!! Not jobs, money, houses, cars, hobbies, or friends (although some friends are family) Nothing is more important to me than my little family. This being said I am having a hard time remembering my own advice!

This has been our home for the last 4.8 years

I have lived in the same area for over 22 years, and I love it. I love the people, parks, schools, stores, friendly atmosphere, our ward, and most of all the familiarity of this area I have called home, but it is now time to build some more character. We have sold our house and we are supposed to close next week. I think I have been in denial, and secretly hoping this day wouldn't come. (Sorry Trav! Don't be mad) But it is here staring me in the face, so here we go. Unfortunately my kids love change as much as I do. So I did what any good mother would do… I told a little white lie. (Hey maybe it will become the truth) That it will be just as good; if not better than it is here, and they will make tons of new friends. The ward, schools, and neighbors will be 2ND best in the world (they would never fall for saying the best, because they know that is what we have NOW) Meanwhile I am doing my best to suck it up and be as excited as I can. (We still don’t know where we are going to live, or where the kids will be going to school, and YES we are running out of time! (Again, NOT my style.) However I am honestly thrilled for the reward of moving. Trav will be MINUTES away from home!!!! HE will be able to come home for lunch, (that’s like a date a day HOORAY!) go to the kid’s school things, and be home earlier every night. So for that I will pack up my things and leave the house and neighbors I love, for something I love MORE. Trav is not a selfish person. He wouldn’t do anything just to make his life easier. He ALWAYS puts us first, so I know this is the right thing to do for our family. I just need to rely on faith and remember my own advice.


Candace said...


Where in tarnation did that come from? It certainly was the last thing I expected to read on your blog today!

I am also a creature of habit and fully understand the feelings of apprehension that come as a result of change.

Yet, you are right to acknowledge that there also comes a great deal of growth and blessings as well.

So, do you have an idea about where you'd like to wind up? I hope not too far away--not that we've taken great advantage of living so close, but if you move really far away it'll make it next to impossible to even TALK about getting together:)

Hang in there, love ya!

Megz said...

I'm with you. Dealing with new everything would be tough for my kids but more tough for me. It sounds like you have a great attitude and that goes a long way in making the change a positive one. Good luck in this new adventure! (and extra good luck moving, finding a house and school in a couple weeks time!)

Shannan said...

I just went through the same kind of thing and I have gained the same testimony of family. They are what matters and all that really stay with you when it is all said and done. Good luck, i went through some tough moments as well, but all you can do is keep treking through it.

Travis J said...

I love you babe! More than I could ever tell you. Thanks for "settling" with me, and pulling up your roots, and planting them in Heber with me!
