Tuesday, September 7, 2010

‎ So we are only 3 days into Brayden being a teen and he is already having girls call and hang up, leave "tween" girl giggling messages, crazy text but the BEST comes from Tyler! She informed us at dinner tonight that "it has happened… his frontal lobe has shut down and he can NO longer make a good decision"
Let me give you a quick rundown of this odd but true (to her anyway) comment…they saw a program about teens on the Discovery Channel a few months ago.(so you know it MUST be 100% true) The whole frontal lobe shutting down when you become a teen thing REALLY freaked her out.
She came to me that night and told me she didn’t EVER want to be a teenager! She didn’t want her brain shut down so she couldn’t think straight. Yes~ this IS Tyler’s worst nightmare! So for weeks she has been worrying/watching him like a hawk, waiting for any sign that his brain is about to shut down. Well, tonight at dinner he dropped something and then made some comment about losing his mind and that was all it took!
Poor Brayden… Isn’t he lucky to have a sister that care so much about his frontal lobe!
But don't you worry she has assured him she will be sure to tell him everything to do from now on… you know since he can’t make any rational decisions on his own anymore.
I tell ya Brayd’s luck just keeps getting better and better!


Megz said...

Hilarious. How many 8-year-olds even know what a frontal lobe is?? I hope she's planning on medical school!

Jess said...

Haha, that is so funny! What a smart girl Tyler is!

Candace said...


I believe every word of that Miss Tyler. Every.Word.

Jared & Melisa said...

Oh my gosh how cute is she! And I agree with everyone else she is a smart girl:)

Ashley said...

how funny is Tyler!! So dang funny, and so literal. What a sis to look out for her big bro like that :)

Misty said...

That cracks me up. Your kids are awesome.

Phil said...

That is hilarious. You have a very informed 8 year old.