Thursday, September 10, 2009

We are proud owners of this...

Well, we have purchased land in Heber. I guess that means we really are staying. I was a little disappointed, that for ALL that money all we got was .29 of an acre, full of weeds and ONE piece of paper saying WE now own it. I was hoping for writer's cramp for a few days at the very least! But, I guess when you pay cash they don't want to waste their time or paper on you!
Now, if I just wasn't so stinkin' insistent on indoor plumbing, electricity, heating and A/C, and other petty things. We could just pitch a tent and live debt free. But, because I do insist on the finer things in life; we are going to start building soon I hope!
Trav doing what he does best... making sure the property lines are All correct.
I sure love him :)
These came free of charge, hundreds of them!


Anonymous said...

what a great view! can't wait to see the progression pix!

Megz said...

Maybe you can build around the beautiful sunflowers?

Allison said...

You crack me up!!! Congrats on the new piece of land. Can't wait to see the house progress.

Misty said...

Congratulations! That's exciting. Good luck with the building process. It'll be so fun!

Keli and Mike said...

Wow, congratulations! Are you going to be moving there?